City Attorneys
The City Attorneys Department is comprised of the attorneys that represent Cal Cities’ member cities. The department president is generally responsible for the department’s work, assisted by the first vice president, second vice presidents, and department representative on the Cal Cities Board of Directors.
The Cal Cities' Legal Department staff, including the general counsel, the assistant general counsel, the senior deputy general counsel, and the executive assistant, legal services, assists the officers in implementing the department’s goals:
- Advance the purposes and goals of Cal Cities;
- Support and encourage high-quality legal advice to and representation of California cities by producing conferences, continuing education programs, and other works of interest in the field of municipal law;
- Foster the professional development and enrichment of Department members by providing the opportunity to exchange ideas, consult with one another and meet with persons in or associated with municipal law;
- Encourage the continued advancement of city attorneys by supporting professional accomplishment and adherence to high ethical standards;
- Serve as a technical and advisory department to Cal Cities, including analysis of pending legislation and litigation; and
- Advance the interest of cities by helping to improve, shape and develop municipal law through Cal Cities' Legal Advocacy Program and legislative advocacy efforts.
Second Vice President - Michael Lawson, City Attorney, Hayward
Appointed by the department president, the City Attorneys Department has at least one representative on each of Cal Cities' policy committees. Representatives provide technical information to the committee, ensure that the department has a voice in the decision-making process, and help make recommendations to the board of directors on legislative and policy issues.
- Community Services - Benjamin Jones (Assistant City Attorney, Carson)
- Environmental Quality - Matthew Summers (City Attorney, Barstow, Calabasas & Ojai)
- Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations - Katherine Mirassou (Deputy City Attorney, Livermore)
- Housing, Community, and Economic Development - Andrew Jared (City Attorney, Etna, Montague & Yreka)
- Public Safety - Jack Liu (Assistant City Attorney, Riverside)
- Revenue and Taxation - Derek Cole (City Attorney, Oakley & Sutter Creek)
- Ad-hoc Enhancing Participation and Inclusion Committee
- Attorney Development and Succession Committee
- Brown Act Committee
- California Public Records Act Committee
- Cannabis Regulation Committee
- Emergency Response Committee
- FPPC Committee
- Legal Advocacy Committee
- Municipal Finance Committee
- Municipal Law Handbook Committee
- Municipal Law Institute Committee
- Nominating Committee
The California City Attorneys Community is a web-based community for the use of eligible attorneys who represent cities that are members of the League of California Cities (Cal Cities).
Eligible users can login to the Community here.
users can create an account to request access to the Community here.
To confirm eligibility, please review the User Agreement for the Community. If you have questions about the Community or your account, please send an email to
- Nov. 15 2024 Essential Hour: Code Enforcement 101
- Aug. 30, 2024 Essential Hour: Your First Peace Officer Personnel Records Request
- Nov. 3, 2023 Essential Hour: Your First ‘Disastrous’ Hour
- Aug. 18, 2023 Essential Hour: Your First Ordinance or Resolution
- Nov. 4, 2022 Essential Hour: Conflicts of Interest 101
- Aug. 5, 2022 Essential Hour: The Basics of Municipal Revenues: Taxes, Fees, and Assessments
- Nov. 5, 2021 Essential Hour: Your First Public Meeting – Brown Act Basics
- Aug. 13, 2021 Essential Hour: Your First Public Records Request Response
- City Attorney Publications
- Review of Attorney General Opinion on State of the City Address
- 2023 Cannabis Regulatory Updates
- Counsel and Council: A Guide to Building a Productive City Attorney-City Council Relationship
- Disaster Playbook
- Providing Conflict of Interest Advice
- Propositions 26 and 218 Implementation Guide
- Seed to Sale: A Guide to Regulating Cannabis in California Cities (September 2021)
- Practicing Ethics: A Handbook for Municipal Lawyers (Revised 2nd Edition, 2020)
- The People's Business: A Guide to the California Public Records Act (September 2022)
- Open & Public VI: A Guide to the Ralph M Brown Act (2024)
- Ralph M. Brown Act (as of January 1, 2016)
- LCC Technical Assistance Memorandum - Funding Stormwater Programs Under Proposition 218 (May 22, 2014)
- Ballot Measure Advocacy and the Law: Legal Issues Associated with Use of Public Resources for Ballot Measure Activities
- Rosenberg's Rules of Order: Simple Parliamentary Procedures for the 21st Century
- The California Municipal Law Handbook
Legal Advocacy
Laws affecting cities are made in the courts, as well as in the Legislature. Consequently, Cal Cities advocacy efforts extend to the appellate courts. The organization weighs in on legal issues where its participation is likely to help advance the legal interests of all California cities. Learn more about our Legal Advocacy efforts and committee or request amicus support.
Upcoming Department Meetings
May 8, 2025
Department Business Meeting
Hyatt Regency, Burlingame
October 9, 2025
Department Business Meeting
Annual Conference & Expo, Long Beach
Upcoming Events

Contact Staff
Sheri Chapman
General Counsel
Kurt Wendlenner
Assistant General Counsel
Emily Taylor
Senior Deputy General Counsel
Janet Leonard
Executive Assistant, Legal Services
(916) 658-8276