Planning Commissioners Academy Presentation and Materials Submission

Presentation and Materials Submission are an important element of Cal Cities educational programs. By Monday, March 20, presenters must submit, at minimum, a session outline and/or presentation in either a Microsoft-friendly format such as PowerPoint (.ppt), or as a .pdf file.

Presenters are reminded that their presentations should represent valuable, balanced information related to their session topic. Presentations should not be used as a vehicle to promote a specific commercial application and company logos are not permitted on session materials.

  • When naming your session materials, please use your session title and your last name. For example: "YourSessionTitle - Smith"
  • Changes can be made to your presentation by re-submitting your materials before Monday, March 20 using the following naming pattern: Your session title, your last name and the revision number. For example: "YourSessionTitle - Smith - revision1"
  • When submitting your session materials, please combine everything into one document.
  • You are expected to bring your presentation and all related support files with you to the session room, including anything embedded in your presentation such as video or audio files.
  • The preferred media for presentations is on a portable memory device such as a flash or USB drive.
  • If you are planning to use your own computer to present, please bring your own adaptor.
  • Make a back-up copy of your presentation for easy remote access. Examples include: an additional portable memory device such as a flash or USB drive, cloud-based file storage, etc.
  • If flying, we encourage you to store your presentation in carry-on luggage.
Required form 'SessionMaterials_23PL' does not exist.

Please contact the education department at with any questions, concerns or assistance needs you may have.